PARTIAL Agency From Scratch Program
(AFS) | Module 1-3

Chelsie Ram
5 Weeks
All Levels
10 Lessons
We want to first get you consistent $2-3k months working no more than 20 hours a week on delivery.
- 2 KEYS: Mindset and Demand
- Mindset:
- How to break through any mindset challenges you have and fully believe in yourself
- Demand:
- How to get your first high paying client in the next two weeks so you can pay off the financial investment for this program & future investments immediately.
- How to get high paying clients that are long-term and your ideal client.
- How to actually provide stellar results for your clients
- How to see significant results within 2 weeks and only spend 20 hours/week working on it.
- How to get prospects on calls and what exactly to say to them on these calls to sign them immediately.
- Mindset:
- Each client at 30 mins/day = 3.5 hrs a week per client
- 2 clients at $1-3k/mo = 7 hours a week doing client work
- We want 2 clients paying $1-3k/mo each
- To do this we’ll use the AI Outreach Machine 2.0 and some other clever tools
Depending on where you are now and your speed of implementation, we can look to hit this in the next 10 days or sooner, and then move to phase 2.
If you watch every video in the AFS program and can prove that each action step has been completed in full and you are still unhappy with the EXTREMELY affordable price this has been sold to you for, then I will provide you %100 of your money back – no questions asked.
Quite simply, you CANNOT lose.
The following bonuses are being offered on top of everything that has been outlined as included. The value of each bonus is indicated below.
- Full Contract for clients to cover you from liability and retain creative rights over your content ($650 value)
- Fully optimized script outlining exactly what to say in DM’s to get calls with HIGH PAYING prospects within your ideal niche ($2000 value)
- Fully optimized script outlining exactly what to say on calls with these prospects to ensure they become your client (using a 2-call method – you get complete scripts for both calls) ($2500 value)
- Access to the 2 part “designing your life” workshop video’s I ran in April 2023. 3 hours of walking you through the exact activity needed to design your life in the way most in alignment with your values. ($750)
To maintain a high quality of support and ensure results, this is strictly capped at 30 people per month. Once we are full, we are full.
The up-front investment is very low thus spot fill up very fast.
If you’re interested I urge you to sign up immediately – I will be honest, only looking to work with people that will actually hit the goals as the guarantee I am providing is significant.